• Donate Today

    Your Gifts Ensure Camp Thrives…in Perpetuity!

    Your gifts help us improve the camp experience and provide opportunities for boys and young men to develop 21st-century skills like cooperation, self-reliance, and perseverance at a time when a little consideration, a little initiative, and a little pep can make a big difference in the world.

    If you would like to support the 501c3 Highlands Foundation, you can donate through our website or mail your donation. You can designate your gifts to the Highlands Honor Fund, our Campership fund, or the Endowment.

    Donate by Credit Card

    Checks may be sent to:

    Winter (Sept. 1 – May 15)
    Camp Highlands for Boys
    1319 NW 30th St.
    Gainesville, FL 32605

    Summer (May 16 – Aug. 31)
    Camp Highlands for Boys
    8450 Camp Highland Rd.
    Sayner, WI 54560

  • A non-profit organization to last

    Camp Highlands is more important now than ever. While the world around us is constantly changing, the values, friendship, leadership, and motto of “I’m Third” at Highlands is steadfast. We are ever-committed to helping create “Worthwhile Men.”

    In 2020, after 117 years of private ownership, Camp Highlands for Boys reorganized as a 501(c)3 non-profit. We did this to ensure Camp Highlands would continue to thrive for the next 100 years.

    Our goals are three-fold. The first is to make camp accessible to every boy through the Mike Bachmann Campership Fund. Donations to the general “Highlands Honor Fund,” will support programs, grounds, buildings, and equipment. Finally, our endowment will provide resources for special legacy projects.

  • Other ways to give

    There are many ways to give to Camp. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your legacy at Highlands including:

    • Direct charitable distribution from a traditional IRA
    • Memorial gifts to honor a deceased Highlands friend or loved one
    • Planned (legacy) gifts
    • A bequest in a will
    • Equipment
    • In-kind donations of all kinds