Perfectly Located in Northern Wisconsin
Positioned on a peninsula, Camp Highlands sits on the northernmost part of Plum Lake in Sayner, Wisconsin, about seven hours north of Chicago. It’s northerly location and prime position on 36 acres adjacent to the Northern Highlands State forest on Plum Lake makes it the perfect place to be in the summertime. Temperatures are usually between 60° and 80° Farenheit or 15.5° – 26.7° Celsius.
Classic Cabins
We take pride in our rustic cabins. There is little change from the living arrangements since the early days Highlands. Grandfathers still return to camp to find their names written on our cabin walls. Cabins provide campers with an authentic North Woods camping experience – no running water or electricity.
Ball fields, Waterfront and Wilderness
Whether you want to play baseball, lacrosse, soccer, football, basketball or tennis – we’ve got the field for you!
And when you’re hot and sweaty and you’re looking for a little time floating on the water, or hunting crayfish at free-time, you won’t find a better spot than Plum Lake.
Pitching a tent or kayaking down Star Creek to check out the beaver dam is a cinch, and for you anglers, wait until you see how glassy the lake is first thing in the morning!